
What is a Collective Investment Scheme?

Collective Investment Schemes are more frequently known as ‘investment funds’, ‘mutual funds’or simply ‘funds’. They invest in assets, such as bonds, equities or cash. The collective assetsowned by the fund are called a portfolio, and they are managed by a professional fund manager.

Family office Investment Management

Risk framework construction and control

• Develop and build a clear investment and risk control framework based on clients' risk appetite and tolerance, so that clients understand the expected returns and exposures oftheir portfolios

• Establish a strict post-investment monitoring and performance review mechanism, andstrictly abide by and regularly review investment guidelines

Portfolio allocation

• Gain insight into  clients' financial positions, wealth needs and asset distribution,provide tailored wealth planning solutions, allocate a diversified portfolio that meetstheir needs, balance risk and return, and meet their short and long-term wealthgoals

• Investing across a wide range of asset classes includes stocks, bonds, funds,commodities, foreign exchange, insurance and inheritance, private equity, realestate, cryptocurrencies, structured products

Selection of asset

• Keep up with the dynamics of the global economy and capital markets, conductdetailed   and   in-depth   research   on   markets   and   targets,   and   make   prudentinvestment choices

• Each asset in the core portfolio is diversified across different sectors, geographiesand sectors, avoiding concentration risk

• Regularly exchange market views with major banks and investment institutions toselect the best investment opportunities

Investment research capabilities

• In-depth cooperation with the Canopy to regularly evaluate portfolio performanceand adjust investment strategies and asset allocation according to changes in marketrisk and investment objectives

• Professional     research   team,   equipped   with   comprehensive   asset   allocationcapabilities and outstanding core capabilities of subdivision investment research,and has established a strict and standardized investment decision-making system

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